Friday, 31 May 2013

Heera Shankh

World Religions

The spiral form of the conch-shell is symbolic of infinite space that gradually expands in a clock-wise direction. The conch is symbolic of the Human Journey Through Life, Birth, Life, Resurrection, Love, Good Luck. The shell's hard casing protects life. The pearly lustre and its aquatic nature is attributed to qualities of virgin purity. Symbolic with music, the conch shell's spiral form and the sound of the ocean represents the beginning of existence.

The blowing of the conch purifies the environment from all evil. The sounds from the conch increase positive attributes in the atmosphere such as courage, hope, determination, will-power and optimism. The blowing of the conch is a call to awaken one from ignorance and announce victory of good over evil. The sonorous sound of conch shell honors and salutes the Lord of Creation. It was the primordial sound of creation and the divine sound "Om". Devotees blow the Shankh before the supreme God with sentiments of welcoming Him in their hearts and as a symbol of His divine grace, especially at the beginning of worship of the deity. The blowing of the shell during any auspicious occasion, is said also to bring good luck and prosperity. The conch is blown once or several times before ritualistic worship. It is sometimes blown whilst performing 'aartis'. The conch, placed at the altar in temples and homes next to the Lord symbolizes the primordial sound or the 'naada brahma' (truth), the vedas, Om, dharma, victory and auspiciousness. The conch is often used to serve the 'tirth' (sanctified water) to raise their minds to the highest truth. During, weddings the conch is blown loudly to drive away evil spirits.

In Buddhism, blowing of the conch signifies victory over suffering. In Chinese Buddhism, the conch shell signifies a prosperous journey, and

In Islam it represents the hearing of the divine word.

In Christianity the scallop shell was the emblem of St. James, the patron of pilgrims, so the shell came to symbolize a pilgrimage. The scallop shell is also associated with the guardian angel Raphael, and the Virgin Mary. In later Christianity, it symbolized resurrection and baptism. Quetzalcoatl created life with the aid of a conch shell and he is always pictured wearing a conch pectoral. Triton the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, in ancient Greece is depicted with a trumpet made from a conch which he used to raise or calm storms.

Moti Shank


Kauri Shankha

Kauri Shankha is a very rare shankha which when kept in your house can bring all luck and prosperity.It is said since ancient times that the possession of Kauris is considered to bring wealth and all round prosperity. That is the reason why it was a part of the marriage attire of the brides.

Kauri is a rare sacred product found in the ocean. "Kauri" was obtained from "Samudra Manthan" along with "Lakshmi" and other rare divine and holy products.

From a very ancient time "Kauri" was used as the currency and then was used in the ornaments and also used as the key of gambling. As per Shastras, "Kauri" is said to be the loving product of "Maha Lakshmi". It is also related to Lord Shiva because the hairs of Lord Shiva are similar to "Kauri". "Kauri" is used to decorate Nandi, the devotee of Lord Shiva. It is also said to be a great tool to save the children from devil effects.

Kauri Shankha is more powerful than kauris because it is a shankha plus a Kauri. This shankha is usually kept in the cash box for financial prosperity and to protect the owner from a financial debacles. Whoever keeps a "Kauri Shankha" during the prayer of "Goddess Lakshmi", gets blessings and gains success, prosperity, wealth and fame in life.


Technical Point of View

  1. The top portion with circles is called conch head.
  2. The circles on the conch head are called Sutures and can be from 3 to 8 in number.
  3. The ridges in the conch cavity are called Pilae and can be from 2 to 5 in number.
  4. The portion turning inwards is known as the Conch lip.
  5. The curving back portion is called the Dorsal surface.
  6. The narrow end portion is called conch tail.
  7. The thick brown outer coating, also known as skin, in an un-cleaned Shankha is known as periostracum.

Based on Profession

  1. Brahmana-variety :- Education- These shankhas are white in colour, smooth in texture and light.
  2. Kshatriya-variety :- Warrior These shankhas are red-coloured or brown-hued, heavy, rough and course.
  3. Vaishya-variety :- Businessmen These shankhas are yellowish in hue, glossy, thick and light.
  4. Shudra-variety :- Workers The shankhas of this variety are dull gray or dark brown in color, hard and heavy.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

left hand and right hand conchs

Legend - Details


1. If after a bath in the morning the shell is rubbed gently on the skin of one’s face wrinkles slowly disappear and the face gains a new glow by regular use of this process.
2. Those who wish to remain ever beautiful and have a unique radiance reflecting from their features should surely try this process.
3.If the shell is rubbed gently on the whole body the body starts to appear healthy, handsome and radiant.
4. If you have dark circles under your eyes, rub the shell gently on those spots early in the morning. This is a sure way of making the spots disappear.

Financial success

This shell is said to represent Lakshmidevi. Hence keeping this shell at home in one’s place of worship helps one gain blessings.
1. Early in the morning take some water in the shell and pour it into a bucket of water. Bathe with this water. This shall bring you good luck and fame.
2. Placing this shell at home or in one’s shop or place of work is a sure way to remove all financial problems and become rich and prosperous. This sankha banishes poverty and boosts one’s profits in business.

Health Benefits

Ayurvedic Health Benefits.
This conch/sankha shell has great significance in Ayurveda. If water is stored in the shell it gains amazing medicinal properties and with it several physical defects can be cured.
1. Store some water overnight in this shell and the next morning rub the water on your skin. This cures all skin problems.
2. Store water in the shell for 12 hours. Then rub it on white spots on the skin. Do this regularly. After some days the white spots shall disappear and healthy skin shall reappear.
3. At night fill the shell with water and in the morning add some rose water to it. Then wash your hair with the mixture. This shall keep the hair black and healthy. The hair of the eyebrows and the beard too could be turned black thus.
4. If you suffer from stomach related problems or if there is a wound in the intestines, then early in the morning drink a spoonful of water kept in the shell for 12 hours. This shall cure the problem.
5. Mix water kept in the shell for 12 hours in ordinary water and early in the morning wash your eyes with it. Doing this regularly for some time shall cure all eye related problems. The eyes become perfectly healthy and one need not even wear spectacles in the future.


Ganesha Shankha

Ganesha shankha is another precious and largely worshiped shankha. This shankha represents Lord Ganesha and is worshipped to remove obstacles, for learning, for success, for luck and prosperity to family. This shankha is considered a very auspicious item for protection from evil effects and is to get good luck and prosperity to family. 

Ganesha shankha is best when kept in the Pooja Ghar (place of worship) daily or on all auspicious occasions and during religious festivals. It can also be kept in the locker of the house so that the family never faces any dearth of money. However it should be kept on red cloth in the worship room or wrapped in red cloth if kept in a locker. 

Ganesha is revered as the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Ganesha is the first to be worshipped and invoked in Vedic worship rituals. He is always worshipped for siddhi (absolute success in undertakings), and buddhi (intelligence). He is considered to be the deity of education, knowledge, wisdom and literature. 

Ganesha shankha is a very rare item and hence considered very lucky. Every house should have Ganesha Shankha to protect it from evil effects, to get wealth and prosperity. It is said that Ganesha Shankha increases the strength of character, mind, enhances confidence and helps in achieving happiness, fame and good health. If Ganesha Shankha is used in daily worship, there can be no doubt that the worshipper of this conch shell is blessed with healthy and long life of nobility, wisdom, scholarship, entrepreneurship, foresight and resourcefulness. From Feng Shui's point of view, this conch attracts business luck from overseas and augments the chances of travelling abroad.

Panchajanya Conch / Story / Significance

Sangu Mahima

Scientific and spiritual meanings

1. According to VAIDIC science ….. As far as the SHANKHA’s sound goes, it destroys the harmful micro bacteria from the atmosphere or at least makes them unconscious. (Modern science and scientists also accepted the fact)

2. According to ASTROLOGY science, SHANKHA’s sound destroys the negative energy from the atmosphere.

3. Playing SHANKHA regularly is beneficial in respiratory diseases like
asthma and lever problems.

4. Playing SHANKHA is equal to doing PRANAYAM (yoga) that saves us from the most deadly diseases like heart attack, high blood pressure, respiratory diseases, lever related problems etc.

5. Offering water to sun by the Dakshinavarti Shankha protect someone from the eye disorders.

6. Regular use of a SHANKHA removes deafness and impediments.

7. A SHANKHA contains plenty of calcium, brimstone and phosphorous in it, and when we put water in a SHANKHA for a while, water becomes fragrant and sterile. That’s why this water is used in religious rituals, prayers and also sprinkled over the people.

8. SHANKHA water is sprinkled over the people that protect him from the skin diseases.

9. Put GANGA WATER in SHANKHA for the whole night and next day in the morning give it to the heart patients and the patients of diabetes to rinse with it. It will surely help.

10. According to VASTU SHASTRA, having a SHANKHA at home removes all the VASTU DOSH (Architectural Defects) of building.

Science News


Pandu descendants: Dakshinavarti 
Mystery of Conch shells - Gita


Yoga Sutra


Direction of Coiling

Based on its direction of coiling, the shankha has two varieties:
  • Daksnivarta, Dakshinavarta or Dakshinavarti ("right-turned" as viewed with the aperture uppermost): This is the very rare sinistral form of the species, where the shell coils or whorls expand in a counterclockwise spiral if viewed from the apex of the shell.
  • Vamavarta ("left-turned" as viewed with the aperture uppermost): This is the very commonly occurring dextral form of the species, where the shell coils or whorls expand in a clockwise spiral when viewed from the apex of the shell.
Dakshinavarta shankha symbolizes infinite space and is associated with Vishnu. The Vamavarta shankha represents the reversal of the laws of nature and is linked with Shiva

Gaumukhi Shankha

  1. Gaumukhi means face of cow.This Shankha resembles face of Cow.Keeping this shankha in temple/pooja place gives all the benefits (punya) of keeping a cow. It helps in bringing peace, harmony and happiness.A must to have Shankha for every Altar.
