Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Lord rama to bharata

When bharata approached  lord rama, lord rama gave him the advise as to how a king should conduct himself , here are a few tips ,please delberate and lets understand them better
Lord rama to bharata are u aware of the three prowess

1. Physical strength 
2. Power of authority, 
3. Intelligence

Do you avoid the following eight kinds of friends

1.The decitful
2. The reckless
3. The violent
4.The envious
5.The gossiper
6.The foul mouthed
7.The usurper of others property
8. The unjust

Do you avoid making alliance with kings with the following propensities

1. The child Monarch
2.The senile
3. The frail and ill
4. The over aggressive
5.The cowardly
6.The greedy
7.The sensualist
8. The frivolous
9. Those who were defeated in battle
10. Who have been overthrown
11. Who frequently travel abroad
12.Who have many enemies
13.Who are poverty stricken
14.Who are opposed to religious principles
15. Who are despised by their ministers
16. Who are mentally disturbed

This is check list for kingly qualities.

Then lord sums up with a  statement I hope you prefer the company of one intelligent person a learned man rather than thousands of fools. A single talented minister can give immense benefit , where as in times of necessity thousands of fools are of no use.

These three people if not understood and avoided at the right can bring about death

1. If one does not get rid of a physician who is adept at aggravating the disease
2. A servant who is intent upon bringing disgrace to the master
3. A warrior who wants to become the ruler himself
